<aside> π‘ Expression Representation Techniques β Expression is a collection of operators and operands that represents a specific value. 1.Infix Expression 2. Prefix Expression 3. Postfix Expression
Example Note
Infix a + b
Operator Between Operands
Prefix + a b
Operator before Operands
Postfix a b +
Operator after Operands
To evaluate an infix expression, we need to consider Operatorsβ Priority and Associative property. For example: Expression 3+5*4 evaluate to 32 i.e. (3+5)4 or to 23 i.e. 3+(54).
Generally, postfix expressions are free from Operator Precedence that's why they are preferred in Computer system. Computer System Uses Postfix form to represent expression. Table below show the Priority for operators that needs in conversion method.
Explanation the conversion in steps:
Read symbol from expression and it may be β o Alphabet from A-Z or a-Z o Numerical Digit from 0-9 o Operator
o Opening And Closing Braces ( , )
If Entered Character is Alphabet or Digit then Following Action Should be taken: o Print Alphabet and Digit as Output
If Entered Character is Opening Bracket then Following Action Should be taken- o Push β(β onto Stack
o If any Operator Appears before β)β then Push it onto Stack. o If Corresponding β)β bracket appears then Start Removing Elements [Pop] from Stack till β(β is removed.
If Entered Character is Operator then Following Action Should be taken: o Check Whether There is any Operator Already present in Stack or not. o If Stack is Empty then Push Operator onto Stack. o If Present then Check Whether Priority of Incoming Operator is greater than Priority of Topmost Stack Operator. o If Priority of Incoming Operator is Greater than Push Incoming Operator onto Stack. o Else Pop (Operator that have high Priority or equal) From Stack and push incoming operator to stack, again go to Step 1.
Explanation the Evaluation in steps: