- Equilibrium
- Case1 :
- Technology Improvement
- Demand Does not remain constant
- Case2:
- Price Ceiling
- Rent Controls
- Why Rents
- Remedies
Case1: Technology Improves
- Supply curve will shift rightwards
- There will be change in price and equilibrium quantity
- With demand not being constant, demand curve will also shift and price and equilibrium quantity will change

- Parallel shift in demand curve is due to increase in the number of customers purchasing the product
Case 2:
- Price ceiling
- It is the maximum price fixed by the government to support the consumers below the market equilibrium
- Rent Control
- Rent (Price, Fee, Cost)
- A renter or tenant is a person who pays the rent
- A landlord is the owner of the property or space provided to a renter
- People go on rent because they cant afford or because of the job (regular transfers)
- Because of education (Hostel charges)
- Landlords are unwilling to provide accommodation, and on the contrary consumers / tenants are happy with the new rent
- Remedies
- Institutions are required like YMCA (Young men’s Christiaan accommodation)
- Hostel accommodations in universities for students and faculties
- Cheap government housing schemes
- Price Floor
- What is meant by price floor
- Case: Wheat Farmers
- What are the wheat related products
- What can be a substitute to wheat
- Will the farmers be happy with the price floor
- How would the consumers of wheat respond to the price change
- What will the Government do with the surplus